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Wyn Enterprise 5.1 Release | WynDashboards

WynDashboards 5.1 is now available! Wyn 5.1 includes many visualization enhancements, including smart visualizations, a new visualizations gallery feature, improved analytic model capabilities with analytical expressions, real-time updates for streaming data, streamlined API, and embedded designer and viewer packaging.

Read the full Wyn 5.1 release post here.

Analytic Expressions for Dashboards

Analytic Expressions address ad-hoc business calculations without requiring DBA/IT staff to update the data query on the backend. The expressions can be added to the dashboard in the designer itself. 

Specific calculations rely on the data to be already aggregated (e.g., net profits, profit ratios, win/loss ratios, year-on-year calculations, etc.). These are not calculations that can be done on raw data before aggregation. 

Adhoc calculations facilitate data discovery which also allows for unique data mashups resulting in trend identification not possible with static dataset structures.

Other usage scenarios include:

  • Calculated Fields and Measures in Dashboard Designer
  • Ability to calculate KPIs/Ratios in the designer based on aggregated measures
  • Create ad-hoc categorization/dimensions as part of dashboard designer
  • Combine two different measures to derive ad-hoc KPIs/Metrics
Smart Visualization Recommendation Engine

Business users that are unfamiliar with data visualization best practices may find it challenging to visually present data for effective analysis. Wyn 5.1 offers a Smart Visualization Recommendation Engine to assist users with data visualization design principles. Founded on data visualization fundamentals, the Recommendation Engine suggests visualizations based on specific measures and dimension selection. This new dashboarding feature is user-friendly and helps business users select the most effective way to tell the data's story. 

Visualizations Gallery

Our customers provide a host of feedback about the different interactions and approaches to tell their data stories. Based on the industry trends and customer shared feedback, WynDashboards v5.1 has improved UI settings, additional tooltip options, additional interactivity enhancements, and more.

  • Conditional formatting for dimensions in scenarios
  • The ability to highlight specific data points on a data visualization
  • Optimized the Tooltip location for better usability with visualizations 
  • The ability to hide collapse/expand icons on Pivot Tables
  • Additional UI settings for overall Dashboard design/layout
  • The ability to show date/time in local timezone
  • New Jump-to options for Bing Map custom visualization
Data Filtering and Slicing Enhancements

We have added new style choices for slicers and more options for global parameter initializations. Additionally, dashboard authors can set parameters for data models.

  • New visual style properties for label slicers as buttons, styled text, lists, etc. 
  • Ability to set initialization defaults based on dataset values. 
  • Initialize slicers based on data governance rules set for the logged-in user.

Get Wyn 5.1

Be sure to upgrade to Wyn 5.1 for all of the new features and enhancements.

Laurie Smith

Laurie A. Smith is the Product Marketing Manager for Wyn Enterprise. She managed content development at the Developer Tools Division before moving to the Wyn Enterprise Business Intelligence Team. Laurie holds an MFA in Film and Digital Media Production from Chatham University, an MBA & a Master's Degree in Journalism and Mass Communications from Point Park University in Pittsburgh, PA. 

In addition to working in technology, she also loves beekeeping, the horror movie genre, and carefully cultivating sunflowers.

Find her on LinkedIn.