College Grad Unemployment Dashboard
- Recent College Graduates
- Geographical Profile of Employment and Unemployment (GP)
- Employers
- Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program
- Economists
- Employers directly having a job interview
- Recruiters
- Unemployment Insurers
- Job Centers
- Unemployment Assistants
- Job Placement and Trainers
- Employment Work Programs
- Community Service Employment Programs (SCSEP)
- Unemployment Benefit Programs
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity – Adults and Dislocated Workers Program
- A public or private employment agency
- A school or university employment center
- Current Employment Statistics (CES) program
- Students
- Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program
- Universities
- Unemployment Rate
- Employment-to-Population Ratio
- Labor Force Participation Rate
- Instructional Costs
- Administrative Costs Per Student
- Program & Department Budgets
- Revenue, Grants & Funding
- Student Financial Aid Percentages
- Tuition Costs
- Graduation Rates
- Course Success Rates
- Persistence Rates
- Student Engagement
- Student Outcomes
- Passing Rates for Licensure Exams
- Retention Rates
- Recruitment Marketing Programs
- Part-Time vs. Full-Time Faculty
- Part-Time vs. Full-Time Students
- Sustainability
- Research Income
- Number of Jobs in Municipality
- Number of New Businesses
- Number of Business License Renewals
- Number of New Jobs Created
- Diversity of Workforce
- Number of Applications Received
- Percentage of Positions Filled Internally
- Employee Satisfaction Index