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What's New in WynReports - Wyn Enterprise v4.1

New Release

User Experience Enhancements

Reports users will be presented with several enhancements in user experience in the 4.1 Reports Designer. Non-technical end-users will no longer be required to work with complicated expression syntax when building advanced report functionality, as we have simplified the syntax of expressions in all areas of the designers. Expressionless UI in all elements of the Reports Designer makes for an easier and more comfortable report design experience.

When users are working with Table controls, they now have an easier way to manage the tables and fields with additional quick-actions, such as re-ordering columns with simple click-and-drag UX and adding multiple columns at once.

Enhancements to the Tablix control include additional capabilities in the Tablix Wizard, allowing for multiple detail values in the Tablix Wizard to be used. When users are adding and managing Filters on any report control, they will now have an intuitive Filters Designer to work with an more easily add and configure their filters. This prevents them from having to add the Filter Expressions as they had to do in previous versions of Wyn.

Other user experience enhancements include updates to the custom parameters designer, width expansion on the Properties dialog, and the return of the \"Plot Template\" property on charts to allow end-users to more easily configure their chart template. Reports now support Master Reports so that reports can inherit their themes and other elements from a Master Report.

Export and Distribution

Admins can now configure export templates for end-users on all reports. This allows the admin to specify the advanced settings to be used by default when end-users export reports from the Documents Portal. Additionally, users can now export reports to XML format. When exported to CSV, fields will inherit the dataset field name as the Element Name value, rather than using the control name by default. This allows CSV exports to be more easily interpreted without requiring significant efforts from the report author.

Report exports also allow automatically-generated timestamps to be added to the resultant export file for easy tracking of the same report. When scheduling reports, users can now use relative dates rather than being restricted to concreate dates/times. Additionally, report authors can now specify which actions are available on the report at run-time, so they have the ability to restrict the available export formats and report viewer actions (e.g., Page Navigation) at run-time.

Integration and Embeddability

You can now integrate the WynReports Designer and Viewer via DIV tag in your application. Previously, you were restricted to iFrame, but with DIV integration capabilities, you now have more control over the Designer and Viewer inside your application. When integrating via iFrame, you can also use the Document Name instead of having to use the DocumentID in the iFrame URL.

With Wyn Enterprise v5.0

Understand the Story Behind Your Data

Wyn's continued enhancements make data analysis faster and more flexible, enabling every end-user to transform raw data into actionable insights.

Ethan Conner

As a Technical Account Manager with the Wyn Enterprise team, Ethan loves the collaborative, team-oriented culture. In his spare time, he enjoys playing guitar and drums, learning new technologies, and reading. You can find him on LinkedIn.

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