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What’s New in WynReports

The Wyn Enterprise 3.6 release includes several new features in WynReports, including a Tablix (Pivot Table) Wizard, Semantic Model, and UX enhancements.

Read the full Wyn Enterprise 3.6 release here.

WynReports New Features

Tablix (Pivot Table) Wizard

The brand-new WynReports Tablix Wizard allows report authors to create complex pivot tables with an intuitive user-friendly tool. This enables both technical and non-technical users to get the information they need in their reports with less time and effort involved.

Users have complete control over what data is displayed in the Tablix, with a drag-and-drop interface within the tool for assigning data fields to the Rows, Columns, or Values of the pivot table. Users can also aggregate the values in the Tablix, customize the layout, and create ad hoc row and column total cells.

What’s New in WynReports

Semantic Model Enhancements

During design time in WynReports, Semantic Model definitions are only loaded as needed. This has a positive result on the overall performance of the designer in the design environment. We have also added tooltips for Semantic Models’ Entity and Attribute descriptions. This helps progress the user-friendliness of the WynReprots Designer for ad hoc report designers.

Exporting Defaults

With a large number of report export formats available, the process for exporting can become quite complicated for non-technical users. We have added defaults for each of the export formats so that the end user does not have to specify each setting, resulting in a more seamless and quicker export process. Users can use the pre-defined default export and have the ability to go to an advanced mode if they need a special setting for their desired export format.

UX Enhancements

When using Shared Datasets with parameters, the WynReports Designer now intelligently adds/merges repeated parameters to make the design time experience easier for the report author.

The Designer also an improved \"Save As\" button to allow users to create a copy of the Report or Template without needing to return to the Documents Portal.

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Ethan Conner

As a Technical Account Manager with the Wyn Enterprise team, Ethan loves the collaborative, team-oriented culture. In his spare time, he enjoys playing guitar and drums, learning new technologies, and reading. You can find him on LinkedIn.

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