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What’s New in Wyn Enterprise 4.0

We are pleased to announce the release of Wyn Enterprise 4.0. This release offers many new features and significant enhancements with:

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What's New in Wyn Enterprise Server

Some of the most significant enhancements and new features in the Wyn 4.0 release come on the server administration and management side of Wyn Enterprise.

Enhancements to API and Integrations for Embedded BI

The Wyn 4.0 installer now supports silent installations, so organizations embedding Wyn in their application can install Wyn silently during the installation of the target application. When embedding Wyn Enterprise via iFrame, developers can specify that the URL should point to a specific Category of reports/dashboards, instead of showing all categories to a user.

The Wyn login page now supports advanced customization options, so admins can specify custom CSS and HTML for the login page to use.

Along with customizing the login screen, admins can create their own custom themes for designing their very own portal theme using a dedicated theme designer. This allows Wyn to match your organization's color schemes/branding guidelines, no matter what palette of colors that consists of. Admins can hide the logout functionality of the portal completely for preventing users from logging out when Wyn is embedded inside an application.

Additionally, Admins can hide other elements in the portal presented to end-users through the URL, so iFrame integrations can limit end-users to only certain functions within the Wyn portal.

The URL integration supports specifying the portal's custom theme being used, so multi-tenant deployments can now support different themes used for different users. URL integration supports Semantic models, data sources, and datasets now.

End-users have direct access to a new \"profile settings\" page, where they can customize their own user account from within Wyn with default theme, avatar, password change, and more. The Organizations feature has been enhanced so users can now belong to multiple organizations.

Dataset Enhancements

Web-based JSON data sources now support parameterized URLs. Excel data sources will now give more detailed error messages if there is a failure during creation. Existing Excel data sources now support appending new data to existing data sources by simply uploading a new Excel file. When previewing an Excel data sources, we have enhanced the available options to be used in doing so, such as renaming column headers, changing data type, and more.

Excel data sources now also support Group By in custom SQL expressions. In all portals, every report now shows which data resources the report is referencing. When users are creating very large datasets with more than 10,000 rows, they will be prompted with a warning so they can decide whether to continue creating it or not.

Dataset filters now support more complex filters, so users creating datasets can specify single or multiple rules, as well as hierarchies of groups, so groups of users can use the same dataset with differing levels of data being shown. When creating a new dataset using Custom SQL, users have a much more interactive UI available so they are presented with available tables, and, if they need to use a Stored Procedure, the list of available Stored Procedures is shown in the dialog box.

When editing a data source, the data source type (e.g. Oracle, Excel, ODBC) is now shown so it is easier to track what other types of data sources other users have created or modified. When working with Group settings in the Dataset Designer, users can now aggregate their data from multiple fields. When creating Semantic Models, users now have access to a \"Not In\" Semantic Query filter.

When building a dataset in the Dataset Designer, users can now alias and reference the same table multiple times, providing enhanced functionality when working with common data warehouse architectures.

Scheduled Distribution Enhancements

When configuring SMTP Settings in the Admin Portal, the Login and Password fields are no longer required. After installation, common Scheduled Task Templates will be included by default, so typical templates being used (e.g. dataset refresh) do not need to be created.

When defining templates, there are now more options for specifying recurrence settings, such as first day of the month.

Administration Enhancements

Admins can now kill stuck tasks from the Admin Portal. Additionally, more detail is shown in the task log, so information such as task execution time, status, progress, and worker name are all logged directly in the Wyn Admin Portal. When assigning users to roles in the Admin Portal, you can assign a user to a role by simply double-clicking.

There is also support for migrating system settings alongside an installation, such as theme, permissions, and more.

Mobile Device Compatibility Enhancements

When viewing reports on a mobile device, the parameters panel will automatically be hidden, and reports can now be exported from a mobile device.

Updated User Permissions and User Collaboration

Roles can now be returned in an array so that datasets can be filtered by a user's role, which will be sent as an array instead of as a string. Admins can restrict permissions to certain users/roles so that they can restrict who can see Revisions on their documents. When working with ActiveDirectory security providers, detailed error messaging will be logged.

Admins can grant permissions to multiple documents to multiple roles in a batch, categorize multiple documents to multiple categories in a batch, and delete documents in a batch. Client-side portal routing is now supported, so if users try to view a deleted report, they will not be shown a simple error page. Users can now copy a document's URL from the portals for easy referencing in other operations.

Additional Enhancements

Scrollbars through the Wyn UI have been lightened for easier visibility and usage. Some functions can be used, such as converting words to numbers in reports, by assigning them to User Context values. Icons throughout the portal have been updated and unified for more consistency. Full Name is now a default user property.

What's New in WynDashboards

Along with enhancements to the server side of Wyn Enterprise, the 4.0 release also comes with major additions and improvements to WynDashboards.

Read the full WynDashboards release

What's New in WynReports

The release of Wyn 4.0 comes with new features and improvements in the usability of many different WynReports functions, including design-time and run-time enhancements.

Read the full WynReports release

Are you interested in implementing an advanced BI system into your business? Try us out or request a demo to learn more about Wyn Enterprise.

Ethan Conner

As a Technical Account Manager with the Wyn Enterprise team, Ethan loves the collaborative, team-oriented culture. In his spare time, he enjoys playing guitar and drums, learning new technologies, and reading. You can find him on LinkedIn.

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