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Introduction to the Admin Portal

Getting Started with Wyn Enterprise

Wyn Enterprise offers three end-user portals that provide different functionality for different user groups.

  • Admin Portal is for admins that configure the server, manage account and security settings.
  • Documents Portal is for business end-users, dashboard, and report authors.
  • Resource Portal is for data administrators or IT teams. The Resource Portal displays all resources on the server.

The Wyn Admin Portal is for administrators to use settings to customize Wyn for their own unique needs. Setting the theme, user roles, permissions (and much more) can be accessed here.

The Admin Portal provides access to settings related to ConfigurationAccountSystem, and Documents.

It also provides a tile view for quick access to frequently used options.

Take a Video Tour of the Wyn Admin Portal:

  • The Tasks List
    Here, admins can drill-down on specific tasks to see when the task was completed, if and why it failed, and more details to best manage the load on the server. Version information of Wyn Enterprise is also displayed to quickly see if the latest version of Wyn is being used.

  • The Configuration Section 
    Provides access to configuring specific areas of Wyn Enterprise.

  • UI Settings 
    Use UI settings to fully white-label Wyn Enterprise. Customize text, images, logos, color themes, and login page to meet any corporate branding.

  • Dashboards Settings 
    Manages the WynDashboards plugin options – such as defining the filter scope of a container and the maximum aggregated data points that a dashboard visualization will calculate. This setting would be available if the Wyn Dashboards License is in use.

  • Email Settings 
    Manages the outgoing mail server settings required for the proper functioning of the scheduling templates. This allows end-users to distribute their reports and dashboards via email.

  • Worker Queue Settings 
    Helps configure the workers being used for executing reports on the server with load-balancing and optimal rendering time options.

  • Schedule Settings 
    Provides further control over configuring how the scheduling works on the server with settings about sending empty reports, storing copies of sent documents, and more.

  • WynReports Settings 
    Provides options to configure the WynReports plugin. It allows the admin to choose the parameter panel position at report run-time and the number of preview pages of reports.

  • Semantic Model Settings 
    Provides options to control the behavior of the query generated by the Semantic Model engine. A Semantic Model represents a relational database meant for providing non-technical users with the data they need and can best understand to build reports. It builds the query dynamically to retrieve the data based explicitly on what the end-user in the report selects attributes.

  • License 
    Manages the activation and deactivation of a Wyn license and shows current license information.

  • Security Providers 
    Displays the security providers currently configured for the system and allows adding a new Active Directory, Open LDAP, or a custom Security provider to Wyn Enterprise. The Security Provider will enable users to log in to Wyn with the same credentials they would use to log in to other business applications. This integration and extensibility are the basis for the Single-Sign-On support in the product.

  • Schedule Templates 
    Manages the scheduling options and recurrences available to users for automated distribution and scheduled actions for dashboards, reports, datasets, and data sources. Scheduled Templates can be created on any custom recurrence settings to distribute documents every day, every week, or anything custom. Schedule templates can also be used to refresh datasets and data sources so that users are always presented with the latest data.

  • Auditing Settings 
    Allow the admin to set up and configure a system audit log and track which documents are accessed, viewed, edited, or exported, as well as what parameters are being used on them. The audit data is stored in a separate database for posterity.

  • Categories 
    Are the way that Wyn Enterprise uses to organize documents in a manner that fits the end user’s business workflow and usages. This page manages the document categories by adding a new category or editing existing ones. Subcategories can also be created to organize Reports and Dashboards further easily.

  • Default Document Theme 
    Sets a default document theme for the end-users. This theme is used across all Dashboard and Report Designers when a user creates a new document. The end-user has the option to change the specific theme on their document as they design it; this gives them a starting point for ease of use and consistent output.

  • System Configurations 
    Manages the integration for external security providers as well as embedded systems and API integrations.

  • The Account Section 
    Manages settings related to the account, such as users (active and locked), roles, custom properties, security settings, and user context.

  • Organization Management 
    Is used to manage tenants and multitenant organizations. This setting enables Data Governance and Security across individual entities. Organization Context values, such as Company Name or AccountID, can be used in data source connection strings to allow for dynamic data connections across different tenants accessing the same global documents.

  • Users 
    Display active users and provide access to options such as edit, disable, or delete users in the list. Here, a new user can be added, or an existing user can be imported using the Add User button and Import button. Users are then added to one or more roles. When a security provider is integrated with Wyn, users will not be listed here, since all user information is managed and passed in via the custom security provider.  

  • Roles 
    All permissions in Wyn Enterprise are role-based permissions. Each user belongs to a role, and each role has a given set of permissions, such as “Create Report” or “Create Dataset.” Users can belong to multiple roles, and each role can have varying levels of permissions. Manage and customize these Roles and permissions here, in the Roles page.

  • The Custom Property 
    Page manages all the custom user information in Wyn. This information is used to define User Context values further and add dynamic behavior for datasets, data sources, and other documents. The User Context value filters data to display only data specific to the current user. This is useful for multitenant deployments and implementing Data Governance rules.

  • Locked Users 
    Display all users who have entered the wrong password more than five times and have been locked out. Accounts can be unlocked from here.  

  • Security Settings 
    Manages the password policy and user locked time to enhance security settings.

  • User Context 
    Allows the creation or deletion of custom claims. A custom claim uses a custom property created in the Custom Property page and is added to user properties. These values can be used in data sources, datasets, and documents to dynamically filter data based on which user is logged in and accessing the data.

  • Generate Token 
    Generates an integration token for Wyn Enterprise. This is for granting single sign-on or simply bypassing the login screen, so users can directly access the Wyn portal or an individual dashboard or report. This Token can be generated for specific users, most often via API.

Under System Management, there are options to import and export files, as well as view audit logs.

  • Export 
    Manages exporting multiple documents to an archive folder. The archive folder contains all the elements contained in a report or dashboard, such as an image or theme. This is an easy way to manage backing-up of all contents on the Wyn server.

  • Import 
    Selects the documents and resources to import contained in a .zip file. This is an easy way to import the exported resources of the server.

  • View Audit Logs 
    Allows tracking which documents are viewed, edited, exported. The logs also track time, parameter values, and more to ensure documents are not being accessed by anyone who should not have access to them.

  • Custom Theme 
    Is where a custom portal theme can be designed to exactly match the integration needs of a customer. The custom theme is another property used for the white labeling of Wyn to seamlessly embed the BI functionality in a web application or business system.

  • The Documents Section 
    Displays all the documents of Wyn Enterprise.
    The document permissions and categories can be edited, or documents can be downloaded or deleted from the Admin portal.

Kelley DeSantis

Kelley DeSantis is Technical Engagement Engineer with Wyn Enterprise. She studied Information Systems and minored in Business Administration at Clarion University of Pennsylvania. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family, hiking, and listening to music. 
Connect with Kelley on LinkedIn.