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How to Create a BI Dashboard in 5 Minutes

Video Tutorial

Data visualization plays a significant role in every industry, including finance, healthcare, insurance, manufacturing, retail, and government (to name a few).

With BI dashboards, you can tell a meaningful story. Dashboards graphically represent your data communicating large data sets clearly and efficiently.

Wyn Enterprise is a fully secured enterprise business intelligence software that delivers collaborative self-service reporting and analytics. With Wyn Enterprise, you can build high-value, interactive, and drillable dashboards quickly and easily.

In this video, we’ll create a simple dashboard in less than five minutes.

Wyn Dashboards display information through a series of interactive tiles that contain data visualizers, components, and slicers.

We‘ll start by dragging and dropping a line chart on the design area and binding it to Retail data set which is already available to us.

We’ll use this chart to analyze the revenue generated vs year. Watch how easy it is to create a chart from scratch by just dragging and dropping the data fields and see how the chart title is automatically generated.

Easily Customize Your BI Dashboard

You can easily customize it from the Inspector tab. Set up the line style of the chart, provide a custom title, and set the format and display unit settings.

You can also add a sort condition on the data displayed in the chart. Let's add a map visualizer, snap and align with the line chart, and plot revenue generated for each country.

Add a Stacked Bar Chart

Next, we'll add a stacked bar chart to our dashboard to plot revenue versus product line and perform some customizations. We also want to display a revenue summary for each year, so, we'll add a KPI matrix.

Let's provide a title to our dashboard using a rich text box and a few customizations. Notice that all of Wyn's visualizers and components are highly configurable. Before we preview our dashboard, we'll resize the tiles, apply a theme, and enhance the appearance of the map visualizer.

Preview the result. Observe how the tooltips display information for plots on hovering over the charts. Also, our dashboard is highly interactive. You can drill-down by simply clicking on the individual plots or filter the dashboard data by a single click.

That’s it! With Wyn Enterprise you can easily build an interactive and powerful dashboard in less than five minutes.

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Ethan Conner

As a Technical Account Manager with the Wyn Enterprise team, Ethan loves the collaborative, team-oriented culture. In his spare time, he enjoys playing guitar and drums, learning new technologies, and reading. You can find him on LinkedIn.