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Business Intelligence Reporting and Dashboarding Fundamentals Webinar (Video Playback)

Data visualization design isn’t only about presenting data; it’s about displaying data in a way that makes it easier to understand -- effectively telling the story behind your data to make more informed business decisions.

In this webinar, we discuss the essentials of data visualization, business intelligence, and how reports and dashboards fit into the overall BI process. We cover the “why” to the “how,” and everything in between.

This webinar addresses the fundamental and advanced concepts of business intelligence, with a focus on reporting and dashboarding. We defines business intelligence, the state of the BI industry, and how reporting and dashboarding fit into the overarching business intelligence process.

Watch Webinar Playback:

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Ethan Conner

As a Technical Account Manager with the Wyn Enterprise team, Ethan loves the collaborative, team-oriented culture. In his spare time, he enjoys playing guitar and drums, learning new technologies, and reading. You can find him on LinkedIn.

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