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5 Reasons to Upgrade Your Business Intelligence Dashboards

Modern data gatherers are familiar with data as it is collected on computers, however, data can be collected for a whole host of reasons and using a host of methods. 

Scientists in recent history developed a method for “programming” DNA with data that helps to “edit” genetics and influence DNA to develop in certain ways. This is a science called CRISPR gene editing and shows an example of how data can be collected outside of a traditional setting to govern, motivate, and inspire a process. 

Data is a living organism, and the systems that monitor its use of it must consider this fact when creating business intelligence dashboards. The dashboards will need to be edited and modified to reflect the organic needs of technology updates, a status that is constantly changing. In this blog article, we'll take a look at the top five reasons to upgrade your dashboard, including: 

  1. The Dashboard Overwhelms the Screen
  2. Visuals are No Longer Motivating
  3. Outcome Metrics are Unclear
  4. The Visuals are No Longer Relevant
  5. The Visuals Don't Make Clear Comparisons

1. The Dashboard Overwhelms the Screen

Data visual efficiency researchers explain the need for the interfacing of data display on a dashboard to be simple, and easy to follow visually. If the data is overwhelming the screen, then the dashboard is, at that point, self-defeating and needs an update in the form of a dashboard layout edit or a modification that removes some of the redundant visuals in favor of a more streamlined outline. 

2. Visuals are No Longer Motivating

Always remember: that data should be compelling so that decision-makers can use it to govern business processes. If a visual or series of visuals within a dashboard is no longer able to make a meaningful impact on the decision-making process, then it is likely time to reconsider the positioning of items on the dashboard and to either edit the dashboard through a rearrangement of the items on display or remove specific elements of the dashboard to economize the dashboard’s space for pieces of data that make the most sense to the overall desired outcome outlook. 

3. Outcome Metrics are Unclear

Outcomes need a distinct goal-pace, with the end-goal succinct and clear, and the path to reaching that objective laid out. Data should assist the goal-setting process by enunciating what points should be driven home, and where within the business process, in a visual fashion that acts somewhat like a roadmap of logical activity.

If the data visualization dashboard does not make the outcome and goal steps clear, then an edit or modification of the process is to ensure the data is structured in a way that ascertains and drives the business objective.

4. The Visuals are No Longer Relevant

Data is truly a living organism, and in that regard, will change throughout the lifecycle of a project to reflect the lifecycle of information along with it. This means that some visual representations of data within the system will become “obsolete data" or data that is no longer relevant to the initial purpose of collecting items on a topic within the business system. 

5. The Visuals Don't Make Clear Comparisons

One of the primary uses of data visualizations for companies is to illustrate comparisons between two values, and two outcomes. This can showcase the decision-making process by highlighting the available options and allowing the business decision-makers to reach a decision accordingly. 

However, the use of visual comparisons on a dashboard can make visual comparisons unclear, which will lead business administrators to misconstrue the degree of comparison between the data visual and the data points. Data visuals that do not accurately reflect comparisons and thereby fail to govern accurate decision-making are invalid. To prevent the consequences of invalid data visualizations, the company then edits and modifications the dashboard presentation to coordinate the data point with the objective. 

Dashboards at Your Fingertips

Data visualization services can be costly and tedious. As teams require data at accelerated rates, with edits and modifications becoming more niche-specific, they require tools that can place the data at their fingertips without relying heavily on a distant third-party system. That’s where the Wyn Enterprises system comes in and provides a solution. 

Wyn Enterprises systems generate dashboards quickly and efficently, allowing the internal team to access dashboards instantly and to begin constructing visual company presentations within a streamlined ethos. 

Dan Columbus

Dan is the Director of Enterprise Sales focusing on BI and data-analytics products. Dan holds a BS in engineering from Penn State and has used it for a career in technical selling and management. He is always seeking the “win-win” deal and enjoys working with clients to help them achieve their goals.  

When he isn't working with data clients, he spends time with his family and enjoys traveling to new places with them. Dan also enjoys art, architecture, and loves to compete in poker tournaments.

You can connect with Dan on LinkedIn.

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